Application to Support Learning English using JavaFX

Github Repository: Dictionary


  1. Nguyễn Việt Cường
  2. Đào Lê Bảo Minh
  3. Nguyễn Sinh Hùng


This application:

  1. Is designed to support English learning.
  2. Is developed using Java, C++, and the JavaFX library.
  3. Follows the MVC model and utilizes design patterns.
  4. Includes two types of dictionaries: English-Vietnamese and Vietnamese-English.
  5. Uses serialization (.dat), SQLite database, and Firebase database to store and sync data across multiple devices and servers.


  1. Clone this project to your machine.
  2. Open the project using IntelliJ IDEA.
  3. Add the libraries from the lib folder to the project.


  1. Run the DictionaryApplication file.
  2. The app includes a built-in database for bilingual search.
  3. Search for a word in the dictionary and select a suggested word to see its meaning.
  4. To add a new word, go to the Bookmark section and click Add new word.
  5. To delete a word, click on it and press Remove.
  6. To edit a word, click on it and modify it as needed.
  7. To pronounce a word, click the speaker icon.
  8. To practice vocabulary, go to Bookmark, which includes two games: Hangman and Crossword.
    • Hangman uses saved words for practice.
    • Hangman provides the Vietnamese meaning of a word.
    • Rearrange letters to form the correct word.
    • If incorrect, the hangman will be drawn.
    • Crossword generates words from the database to improve word search skills.

Using in SceneBuilder

  1. Open the FXML file you want to edit.
  2. In the Controller section, set the path to the corresponding controller file.


Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4
Screenshot 5
Screenshot 6
Screenshot 7
Screenshot 8
Screenshot 9

Future Improvements

  1. Add more dictionaries.
  2. Introduce new, engaging games to enhance vocabulary learning.
  3. Optimize code for better performance.
  4. Improve graphics for a more engaging learning experience.
  5. Integrate Google Speech-to-Text API for speech recognition.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests.

Project Status

Current Status:
The project has been completed.